October 23, 2016

Control BB8 with Sphero Force Band

Okay while surfing down the world wide web and into my favorite site to some cool gadgets I was able to stumble upon this interesting force band from Sphero. I'm not sure if I have feature the BB8 here on grabtechdude.net but this gadget controls BB8 with a force by waving it. Just like your in control of the force. Hehehe. Anyway if you got the BB8 already with you why not try this Sphere Force Band for some controllable action.

This cool gadget cost around $79 I think you can buy it at amazon.com but I won't know the worth unless I try to have one myself but for sure not now for me but will definitely have it our bucket of toys and gadget wishlist.

So, may the force be with and let the enjoyment begins!


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