September 28, 2010

PlayStation Move

I remember when I was a child computer gaming was very simple. It started with the black and white Atari which is not very complicated, all you need to do is point and shoot then you score. Then later on came the Family Computer with a little bit more colorful graphics. The game is much more advance than the Atari. I remember some of the games we used play that time, Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania, Rockman and many more. Then came Sega and Nintendo which is a little bit techie than Family Computer and then the age of PlayStation and XBox. Actually I don't have any knowledge of how to operate and tweak with the PlayStation and XBox, all I know is play. With the advancement of game consoles in the gaming industry gives people a much more and newer way to play with games on the virtual world. It's more realistic and adventurous.

Now there's a newer gaming gadget came from the family of PlayStation and this is the PlayStation Move. I haven't grasped it yet but I think it is more of a part of the PlayStation 3 but the gaming experience here is much more elaborate. It's more like experiencing it in real life in the comfort of your home. The good thing about this gaming gadget is that you can actually exercise your body while playing. No more couch potato while playing games this gives more action and more fun. If you want a much more better understanding of the this new product from Sony visit it here.


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